A Cleaner

Clean offices say a lot about a company and the image it presents to visitors and staff alike. A clean environment affects the health and productivity of employees and can reduce staff sickness.
Good first impression counts, whether you are in an office, school or commercial properties customers will judge your company by how it looks. It is without doubt a proven that how clean your office is determining how motivated and productive your employees are going to be. Untidy, dirty and poor air quality environment will have a negative impact on day-to-day KPI and H&S. Unpleasant place of work will cause employees to feel like they aren’t valuable, which in terms promotes low morale and effects productivity.
Ignoring a build-up of clutter can lead not only to dirt, grime, and general unpleasantness, but also to some serious health hazards. Commonly, Trips, slip and falls, Fire and Contagious illnesses (kitchen and toilets).
Having a clean, tidy and pleasant environment, on the other hand, keeps employees happy, motivated, engaged and glad to come into work every day.